Hypnotherapy explained

Hypnotherapy explained

Reconnecting with your inner self

7/19/20232 min read

From a scientific understanding, most of us attempt to change our lives when we are completely stressed out , if we were to put sensors on our heads and read an EEG machine we would be able to see what is known as the beta brain wave state, which is the normal waking brain wave state. Looking at that Beta state on an EEG machine, would show an image of spikes moving very fast and thats coming from the place of sympathetic fight, flight or freeze, it is where we are least able to take in new information, it is our least adaptive state and it is usually in this state where we attempt to change our lives, which is why it is so difficult to make the changes that we want to make. When were in the shower for example, and we are a little bit more relaxed with the negative ions from the running water and doing something routine like washing our hair we are able to drop down into what is called the alfa brain wave state which looks like a softer wavy line on an EEG machine, which is the day dreaming state and can be where we get those light bulb flashes of inspiration so our intuition can speak to us, because we are a little more relaxed. And then way down further is where things really move in the Delta brain wave state, thats sleep so when we are asleep we are unconscious we are not aware that we are in our bed if there was something flying around us like a moth, we wouldn’t know but our subconscious is alive an well during the rem cycle of sleep when we are dreaming, movies makes it look like that is where we go when we are in hypnosis, and that is not the case. The truth of what hypnosis is, is that we drop down into what is known as the theta brain wave state its deeper that alpha its deeper than day dreaming but it is more alert and conscious than delta sleep, so that is the brain wave state where you can connect one hundred percent to your intuition, your inspiration, and where that critical factor of the mind that goes I could never do that, that’s stupid, Im scared, a million people have done that before every one will make fun of me all that critical factor of the brain is of in the corner not paying attention and we can finally dream big. So a study found that 600 sessions of psychotherapy on average resulted in 38 percent improvement over the course of 600 sessions, thats beta that's when we are talking about our problems from the conscious mind and that is wonderful 38 percent improvement is a huge amount of improvement thats about 10 years of talk therapy which is awesome and again there are very specific reasons to do that, where therapists can go deeper which is great, and then same research study in hypnotherapy showed a 90 percent improvement because it is being done in theta, because there is no critical factor of the mind telling us that it is impossible and where we have the surplus energy required to create new connections in the brain very quickly so dendrites extend out from the neuron and connect and make neural pathways that much faster it's like lightning speed.