Huna Principle two

There Are No Limits

Reconnecting with your inner self

8/28/20245 min read

man in black long sleeve shirt smoking cigarette
man in black long sleeve shirt smoking cigarette

There are no limits

How are you living in this world?

What rules have you created.

How have these rules helped you?

And how have these rules limited you?

When we begin to look at these questions in our own lives and really bring them more fully into our awareness, we open ourselves up to becoming more curious.

Why have I created some of these rules?

Maybe we didn’t even realize we had these rules. They just seemed to be a part of our everyday life that we take for granted as being the only way, or believed to be true.

Some of these rules were learned as children, watching our parents we were absorbing and learning the rules they lived by. Some of these rules were good and some maybe not so much, but unconsciously without questioning they became our rules.

While other rules may have come from negative or unpleasant experiences in our lives including negative school experiences, being bullied as kids, being judged or involved in some kind of conflict with teachers and/or other authority figures in our lives.

The thing is in a busy life where we just keep going, over time we keep meeting these limitations through our experiences, and after meeting these limitations enough times we begin to wonder.

Where are these limitations coming from?

With our Powerful Huna principle:

There are No Limits

We can begin to go inward.

What are these rules that I have been living by, and how have they served me?

In this honest exploration we can begin to see that some of the rules we have created are supporting and protecting the negative beliefs we have about ourselves.

And in coming into this awareness, we can begin to come into relationship with whether we truly believe these negative thoughts any more? Are they still relevant, or have they just been under our radar impacting our lives from outdated past experiences that we never fully processed?

If that is the case? In our awareness of this, can we change those rules?

In being a witness to these negative past memories and experiences in our lives, can we release the old charged energy into a new frequency?

And for me what this means is can we release that heightened brain wave frequency beta energy of fight, flight, and freeze (see reference brainwave frequencies info from first blog post; hypnosis explained) that was being held in the old memory and come back to a frequency of awareness, connection and understanding ?

Part of what creates limiting beliefs is the belief of a limited self.

And where this takes us, is to the most powerful, famous question, asked by great gurus around the world "Who Am I". Can we truly begin to look and get curious about this question? So that in meeting this awareness this truth, we are given the power and opportunity to change those rules and beliefs, so that we can redirect our attention, and our energy, in supporting and cultivating the person that we know we are meant to be, the unlimited Self

With this connection of who we truly are, an unlimited Self, we can connect with our goals, dreams . and desires, with what it is that we truly want. And we can begin to take the steps forward ready to meet those opportunities that we begin creating for our selves.

It was interesting, when I was first learning to drive I was so nervous, it seemed like there was so much that I needed to be aware of, it felt overwhelming. Watching the roads, looking through mirrors, watching for people, squirrels, signs, lights, bicycles, cars, busses, pot holes, and staying in between the lines. I met allot of uncomfortable feelings, but I new that I wanted to learn to drive, and that I wanted my drivers licence and that kept me in those uncomfortable feelings.I wanted to learn and I was determined to as well, there wasn’t even a hesitation about it. So slowly I did a little more practicing, with family and friends. I have to say that was stressful. There is, like with anything, a way to teach people, and family and friends don’t always have the patience or positive reinforcement skills to be fully effective in that teaching. After a few attempts with them I decided it was probably a good idea to get some lessons with a driving teacher as well. I have to say that was a much more relaxed experience. And after those lessons I was beginning to get pretty comfortable with driving. looking back It was one of those goals that I had no hesitation towards at all. And I knew that getting my license was going to happen.

I got my G1, it went pretty well they said I was a bit aggressive with my driving, but thank God not enough to hold me back.

Then it was on to G2, highway driving. Well that was a whole other experience for me. I didn’t like it at all. Everyone was driving so close to each other, my probability metre for someone swerving from their lane into mine was so high. All I could see were how close these other cars were to me and how fast they were going. I could feel my perception shrinking as I clutched to the steering wheel and drove. I think the highest speed I could get up to at first was around 80 miles, while most of my attention was on my awareness of the vibrations of each car as it zoomed by shaking both me, my driving instructor and the car. Those first few times were awful. I hated every minute, but again there was no question on wether I would do this or not. I new I was going to have my licence by the end of all of this.

Thank God my driving teacher knew what to do, he said Natalie stop paying attention to everything around you and look ahead get those eye’s of yours two car lengths in front of you let your eyes lead the way.

Once I changed my attention, the whole experience began to change. I moved away from the worry, and put my attention on the destination ahead, and of coarse kept my awareness of what was behind me, in front, and to the sides, but that main focus was the road ahead of me. Over time it became more comfortable, but I would have to say it did take me a while. I persevered through the fear, and discomfort, received my G2, and now today it makes me laugh. Driving has become so second nature and I am on the highway all the time.

When I look back at that, I had one goal, one belief, that I was going to get my licence and I did.

We can take these simple moments in our lives to remind us that anything is possible if we believe, believe in our selves and the outcome.

Where have you been unlimited in your life?

And how can you carry that forward into the present now.

Back to the second principle

There Are No Limits

Let yourself be guided by those positive wins in your life not the losses.

Take what you have learned and let the rest go.

You have the Power to create.