Huna Principle three

Energy Flows Where attention Goes

Reconnecting with your inner self

9/2/20243 min read

womans face with green eyes
womans face with green eyes

The Third Principle in Huna :

Energy Flows Where Attention goes

Where is your attention?

What are you focussing on ?

Are you moving away from something, or towards something.

How are you supporting yourself ?

Energy flows where attention goes

Let’s go inward

This is another really revealing principle that we see in all aspects of our lives.

One of the ways this principle has helped me in my own life, is when I begin to look at how committed I am a to the goals I am meeting in my life.

How powerfully are you meeting your goals?

Are they in the distance, are they in the past, or are they here right here with you now. What I mean by this question is when you begin to think of your goal, what comes forward for you , are you thinking about past failures, and are you projecting those past failures into your future? When you think about these goals what memories come forward for you, do they move you towards something or away from something, what are you focused on? Are you creating uncertainty doubt and hesitation? Is the energy towards your goal fading? Or are you looking at these past experiences in your life, and again asking the question.

What have I learned so far? What have been the lesson coming forward for me, and how can these lessons support me moving forward? And how can I use these experiences in my life, to better prepare myself for the goal that is being set now.

I find the question how committed are you to this goal, really brings it home.

I know even for myself over the years, I have experienced it being harder to be fully committed to a new goal. There tends to be more apprehension, and that self doubt bubbles up, and those disappointing past experiences have created this protective layer that doesn’t want me to get too invested incase things don’t go as planned. And in that somehow thinking this way, I have convinced myself that this is a realistic rational approach to take. Until there comes that moment when you begin to see that these goals that are being set, are never really meeting their potential. And that question begins to come forward again .

How invested am I in this goal? Who do I believe myself to be? And what do I believe is possible ?

Where is my attention?

This takes me to a story about Henry Ford

Henry Ford decided he wanted a certain engine made, so he brought his staff together to present his new project and said you’re going to make this engine for me.

They all hesitated, and said they were n’t sure they could do it. He said to them, just do it.

They came back to him and said they couldn’t do it, it doesn’t work.

Henry Ford said yes it does, get it done.

They came back again to him and said it was impossible.

He said nothing is impossible if I can think of it, it can be done, either you do it, or I will find someone who will.

After some time and allot of back and forth with Henry Ford not budging a bit, they successfully accomplished what Henry Ford believed could be accomplished.

He held to what he knew could be done and he got it done .

Henry Ford had a famous quote “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing you’re right.”

When I think of this story, I think of all those parts within ourselves that can hold us back. The negative self talk the fears the doubts are all the staff that keep coming back telling us this can’t be done. And then I think about Henry Ford and It reminds me just how powerful we can be when we have clear vision and clarity in our goals. And we hold to our own belief, that there isn’t anything that can keep this goal from manifesting.

But there has to be apart of who we are that has this conviction and the courage to hold to it. And it really is about getting back into relationship with the successes in our lives, no matter how small those moments of success were they have value and they have energy.

Lessons come in two ways, in things we have done wrong, but also in things we have done right. When we remember to connect to that energy of things done right in our lives, they begin to take centre stage, apprehension, and doubts begin to fade and we carry that energy with our attention into the next successful moment in our lives.

And thats what this Huna principle reminds us.

It reminds us that we are the creators in our lives and that our focus and attention create the energy to make things happens, but we must direct that energy.

Huna Principle three

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes.

How are you focussing your attention?

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